Star based Matching - Kootamis


Extra Info:

Star based Matching - Intro

Guna Milan is a method of checking suitability of couple who are going to be married.

Gun Milan uses - Varna, Vasya, Tara,Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Rasi,Nadi - Kootas. They are allotted 1 to 8 points in that sequence. The match is susitable if this system yields at aleast 18 out of possible 36 points.

In this web site, you can find calculation of these points , the explanation of these kootas and suggested exceptions also. I hope this will help you search for proper matches. More over a proper 5 step method clearly and transparently laid out is used to recommend or suggest if suitabilty exists between the stars of the Gril and Boy.

Note : No parihaaraas are suggested for these. Do not decide based on a single kootami. Check over all suggestion only. This system is not for already married or for love marriages or marr1ages among relatives. This system is meant to be used as a filter by parents searching for matches.

  • For koota points table and recommendation, click on Points button .
  • To learn about My Method, click on Rules button.
  • To see suitable stars list for selected girl or boy, click on *Vadhu or *Vara button.
  • For notes on Ashta Kootas, use Extra Info Area.