Horoscope Matching

Star based Matching for Marriage:

Jyotishy provides an easy to use, free online Nakshatra or Star based matching points calculator program in English and Telugu. This indicates suitability of the would be couple for marraige.

This type of Matching is called Vivaha Jataka Nakshatra Pontana or Melapakam or Guna Melapakam or Guna Melanam or simply ponthana in Telugu. In Hindi it's known as Kundli Milan or Kundali Milan or Gun Melan or Gun Milan.

తెలుగు వివాహ జాతక పొంతన లేక నక్షత్ర పొంతన లేక రాశి పొంతన కొరకు మ్యాచింగ్ లింకుపై క్లిక్ చేయండి.

Horoscope Birth Chart

Speciality of Jyotishy Program:

  • It requires Selection of Nakshtra and Pada only.
  • It calculates points for each koota of ashta kootas.
  • It calculates status of 4 other kootas - Rajju, Sthree Deergham, Mahendram and Vedha.
  • It provides full information about Dwadasa (12) kootas.
  • It can suggest suitabilty, using two - five step methods of matching.
  • The Rules used for each method used for suggestion are spelled out clearly.
  • It can display suitable stars for the star of the Girl or Boy.